
Friday, December 2, 2011


On Tuesday, November 29, 2011 SIPK Membership Chair Pam H. graciously welcomed Holly S., Tawna M. and Marty A. to the fold. Our mission works only with members who give time, talent and treasure to improve the lives of women and girls everywhere!! Welcome. Welcome. Welcome to Holly, Tawna and Marty!!

January 2012 means more new member inductions... don't miss the fabulous occasion!!

If you missed it, Clover Island Inn was all abuzz with Soroptimists as we gathered to not only welcome new members, but also listen and learn from Jane F. and Carol H. who reported on the only SIPK signature/standing Service program, The Kennewick Woman of the Year Award. Be sure to mark your calendar now and reserve your seat at the Kennewick Man and Woman of the Year Banquet, Monday, January 30, 2012. An invitation will be in your mailbox soon!! For more info, go to and register for the banquet and/or nominate a candidate for the Woman or Man of the Year!!

Immediately following the Jane and Carol show was a spirited round of SIPK Let's Make a Deal. Developed by Antoinette B., prizewinners had to correctly answer questions about all things Soroptimist. Soroptimist cash and beautiful prizes were awarded.

Hope to see you soon!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Imagine Life Without Abuse, Violence or Suffering

At Tuesday's meeting, the SIPK Service Committee confirmed the theme/mission statement "Imagine Life Without Abuse, Violence or Suffering!
Throughout human history people cope with suffering by offering comfort. What a joyful approach to our year in service to others!

Each One Bring One

Our Fall Membership Drive will highlight lunch at the Clover Island Inn on Tuesday, October 25 at 12 Noon. Featured speaker will be Kimberly Camp from the Hanford Reach Interpretive Center.
Tawney C. will brief us on Shop for a Cause, slated for November 7 at the Tri-Cities Business and Visitor Center and all are sure to gain a little more knowledge about Soroptimist!

Each of us is encouraged to bring one guest who exemplifies who we are and wants to promote our mission to improve the lives of women and girls everywhere!

See you on Tuesday, October 25 @ Clover Island Inn, 4th floor!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

PROGRAM MTG TUES SEPT 27: Women Helping Women Fund Tri Cities

Tuesday, September 27 marks our monthly Program meeting. The meeting is slated from 12 noon to 1 pm on the 4th floor at the Clover Island Inn, Kennewick.

Please join in listening and learning from the Women Helping Women Fund Tri Cities president, Jody Oxenford.

The mission of the Women Helping Women Fund Tri-Cities is to raise awareness of the unmet needs of women and children, raise money to support community programs that make a positive difference for women and children and foster the growth of women philanthropists.

About 850 women and men will attend the Oct. 24 luncheon, which is the organization's big fundraiser. Care to dine with us? Contact Marilyn Heasley, SI Three Rivers' Imm. Past President, today!

Anything Soroptimist, please contact Jo B., 539.7144.

Monday, September 5, 2011


Want to see and hear a clarification of the SIPK budget? Be sure to attend September Board and/or Business meetings to get the scoop.

The Finance Committee will make a presentation that's sure to please.

TUESDAY: September 6 @ 5:30 pm (Board)
TUESDAY: September 13 @ 12 noon (Business)


Please note that September is the month to present Annual Plans. Reports from committee chairs (or appointees) will hold their comments to no more than 5 minutes.

During September's business meeting on Tuesday, September 13 we'll hear from Carol Hansen, NWR Secretary and SIPK Delegate to the SI Convention (Montreal). Carol was appointed club delegate to the convention and will captivate you with her report and stories!!

District 3 Meeting is so close (Oct. 7-9) and room reservation deadline is Sept. 7. At this point it looks like SIPK will be well represented by 9, 1 FIRST TIMER (Jean SS!!). What will our look be for the Roaring 20s Fun? Can we possibly beat our look as Scooter and the Red Hot Mamas?

Info and questions. Jo, 539.7144

Monday, July 18, 2011

Montreal Convention and the Latest TIS Issue

The SI Convention held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada was inspirational, informative and heartwarming.

To get a glimpse of the speakers and activities, copy and paste the following URL address in the address bar of your favorite browser:

Copy and paste to view the latest issue of The International Soroptimist

Bit of Interest:
The Long Term Project concept was developed in 2008 as part of Soroptimist International’s strategic planning process and is a project that will be owned and operated by SI. This project was launched at the SI Convention in Montreal in 2011 replacing the Quadrennial Project.

SI looks forward to launching a Soroptimist project that is designed, managed and operated by Soroptimists and Soroptimist staff that will change the lives of women and girls and will:

•Appeal to existing and future members
•Have clearly stated objectives and measurable outcomes
•Be evaluated regularly and updated and revised as needed
•Be appealing to outside funders and the media
•Provide potential for partnerships at all levels
•Reflect the mission and purpose of Soroptimist and contribute positively to the Soroptimist brand

Who will be sure the voices of vulnerable women & girls are heard?

As Soroptimists, we know that women and girls around the world need our help.

-One in three women will be beaten, coerced into sex or otherwise abused in their lifetime.
-Forty to 70 percent of female murder victims are killed by their husbands or intimate partners.
-Of the more than 110 million children not in school, approximately 60 percent are girls.
-Pregnancies and childbirth-related health problems take the lives of nearly 146,000 teenage girls each year.
-Three million girls are at risk for female genital mutilation every year.
-The average age of entry into prostitution for girls is 12 to 14.

Who will ensure that the voices of vulnerable women and girls will be heard? That their needs are met? That they can live their dreams?

Tell your associates and friends how they can help make a difference or call me to refer a prospective member.


Thursday, June 30, 2011

Montreal Canada

Soroptimists from around the globe are headed to Montreal, Quebec, Canada to convene the Soroptimist 19th Intl Convention. July 10-14, 2011.

SIPK attendees:
Jo B., Club Pres.
Carol H., NWR Sec. & Club Delegate
Jane F.
Suzanne S., SIA Fundraising Council


July 1 means a new leaf has turned! Welcome to the 2011-2012 Soroptimist Intl of Pasco/Kennewick club year!!

President, Jo B.
Pres-elect, Beth G.
VP, Brenda D.
Treas., Lisa P/Lena H.
Sec., Amber M.
Board Sec., Pam C.
Delegate, Megan W.
Director 1, Pat T.
Director 2, Rebecca W.

Committee sign ups in motion... call Beth today!!

Leading Ladies Breakfast & Program - Wednesday mornings in Kennewick

Encouragement is how we support and inspire others to become all they are created to be. Getting and giving encouragement fuels our energy, uplifts our spirits and helps us move forward. Tis such a gift to recognize then reflect another persons wonders back. Did you inspire anybody today? Who inspired you?

Next Leading Ladies Breakfast and coffee hour energizer - Wednesday, July 13 @ Clover Is Inn, Kennewick. 7-8:30 am.

Why not join us and listen and learn from a peer? Leadership skills, relationship building, goal setting, perk up communication, and so much more!!

Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking Task Force Presents

On Wednesday, June 29, 2011 the Tri-Cities Soroptimist Coalition Against Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking (DMST) presented the first in a series of informational, awareness-raising assemblies.

Led by Tirsa B., Michelle W., and LaPrele H., the focus was to inform and educate local Soroptimists about human trafficking: specifically DMST.

Human trafficking is the second largest and fastest growing criminal industry in the world. Victims experience a loss of freedom and exploitation at the hands of their traffickers who buy and sell them in pursuit of profit. As a result, human trafficking is commonly known as modern-day slavery. In human trafficking situations, traffickers gain complete control over victims and force them into the labor, services, or commercial sex industry in order to generate profit from their labor and commercial sex acts.

12 years old is the average age of trafficked girls. Whom do you know that could be the next victim?

Let's work together and eradicate the demand for violating girls. Call, 539.7144.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Local Soroptimists Register for Shared Hope 'Lacy' Training

Do you know Lacy?

“Hi, my name is Lacy. I’m about 13 years old. I am rented every night to different men. I live in your community. Will you please help me?”

Shared Hope International (SHI) exists to rescue and restore girls just like Lacy and provide opportunity for new life. Prostituting of children is revolting. SHI works to assist activists and legislators to create laws to prevent the offense and punish the offender, so no more girls will have their innocence stolen like Lacy's was. SHI offers training to help advocates understand and empower their role as community supporters and campaigners.

In 2006, Shared Hope International received a grant from the U.S. Department of Justice to perform field research on Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking (DMST)–the sex trafficking of American children. The National Report is the culmination of ten field assessments conducted in targeted locations in the United States, providing a comprehensive understanding of child sex trafficking across America. This unprecedented report reveals the startling reality that American children are being recruited from our neighborhoods and sold on our streets!

Shared Hope’s national report found that too often, the trafficked children are treated more like criminals than victims.

In January 2011, the three Tri Cities Soroptimists clubs founded the TC Soroptimist Coalition DMST Task Force and are poised to remove the blinders to sex trafficking and to be recognized as a conduit for information, education and resources to STOP DMST in the Tri Cities region and to help survivors reclaim their lives and restore their dreams.

Two Trafficking Task Force activists and members of the local DMST Task Force have registered for the Lacy training scheduled for June 3, 2011. "Lacy” represents all survivors of domestic minor sex trafficking. In this training, Lacy’s story is the guide to: who Lacy is, where she can be found, what type of help Lacy needs, what resources are in your area to help her and what is still needed. Also, the training provides what your role is in Lacy’s life.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Come join us at Leslie Groves Park for a fun family run/walk that benefits the YMCA Girls on the Run program. This is not an officially timed event.

Girls on the Run combines training for a 5k (3.1 miles) running event with healthy living education. Through interactive activities such as running, playing games, and discussing important issues, participants in the 10-week program learn how to celebrate their unique and real selves. GOTR instills self-esteem through health education, life skills development, mentoring relationships, and physical training—all of which are accomplished through an active collaboration with girls and their parents, schools, volunteers, staff and the community. The program utilizes a whole-person approach to elevate emotional, social, mental and physical health.

Girls on the Run of the Tri-Cities is an Affiliate/Independent Council of Girls on the Run International. GOTR International has a network of 170 locations in 43 states which plan to serve 90,000 girls in 2011 across the United States and Canada.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Columbia Plateau Area Meeting

SI of Walla Walla Valley and President Teresa L. together with District 3 Director Kristi P. and Secretary, Cathy B. presented a comprehensive agenda and conducted an across-the-board Area Meeting on Saturday, March 19.

Held in a comfortable meeting room inside the St. Mary Medical Center in Walla Walla, Washington, the meeting convened and disbanded timely. Everything from start to finish was well organized, thoughtful, constructive and valuable.

SIWWV Pres-elect, Jennifer Sullivan opened the meeting with a strengths exercise, and the attendees fit together puzzle pieces labeled with our individual assets. With the puzzle assembled, the masterpiece evokes power and vigor as a collective.

At 10:15 am, presidents and representatives from the seven Area clubs provided reports to the assembly. There was ample opportunity to share ideas and explain aspects of the various club approaches and models in membership, club projects, fundraisers, public awareness and community recognition.

Following lunch, two Walla Walla non-profits comprised a panel and discussion ensued in their efforts to improve the lives of women and girls.
From Helpline and the STEP Women's Shelter program: Dan W., Gabriela S., and Nina N. Anne-Marie S. represented the YWCA at this panel of "Harmonizers for Women".

We concluded the meeting with sharing and brainstorming for the good of the order and adjourned at 2:30 pm.

Japanese Soroptimists are members of SIA

As I am certain you are aware, Japan is suffering the devastating effects of multiple disasters—earthquake, tsunamis and radiation from malfunctioning nuclear power plants. Soroptimist has set up a special fund to collect donations to assist women and girls following the disaster. These funds will be used to support future projects enabling women and girls to rebuild their lives.

Soroptimist is not an immediate disaster relief organization; however, women and girls in Japan will most certainly need help after immediate needs are met. Soroptimist will be monitoring the situation and may respond earlier if a project is identified to meet women's special health care or safety needs in the upcoming weeks. Please also check the SIA Facebook page for news of the disaster and its specific effects on women and girls.

If you are a Soroptimist member, go to to make a contribution.

If you are not a Soroptimist, please go to

To read a report on the damage from Japan Kita Region, please go to

Saturday, March 12, 2011

March is National Women's History Month

SIPK will celebrate and partner with Franklin Co. Historical Society & Museum (FCHSM) on Thursday, March 17 when, at 7 pm Mary Michaelson presents "Finding Aunt Phoebe" at the CBC Hub.

BEFORE HER PRESENTATION, Mary asked that we serve as her tour guide to FCHSM, and Benton Co. Historical Museum and CREHST before joining Sherel Webb, director of FCHSM, at 4:30 for dinner at the Pasco Red Lion.

Won't you please join Jo and Pat on Thursday afternoon (March 17) to host the Inquiring Minds-Humanities program speaker, Mary Michaelson? This delightful woman has never been in Tri-Cities. Hope you'll join us! Call Pat, 586.4327 for details.


Selection Sunday
March 13

National Bracket Day
March 14

First Four
March 15-16

Second Round
March 17-18

Third Round
March 19-20

NCAA Sweet 16®
March 24-25

Elite Eight®
March 26-27

Final Four®
April 2, 4

April 4, doors open at 4:30 pm, tipoff at 6:09ish
Hosted by Soroptimist Intl of Pasco/Kennewick
Premier Sponsor: McCurley Dealerships


The law firm of Cowan Moore Stam Luke & Petersen announced Friday, March 11:

Tawney L. Carrier has become a principle in the firm.
Ms. Carrier's practice includes:
Domestic (divorce, paternity), Estate Planning, Real Estate (including Landlord Tenant) and Civil Litigation.


The law firm is now known as
Cowan Moore Stam Luke Petersen & Carrier


Soroptimist expresses heartfelt concern for those affected by the earthquake that struck Japan early on March 11. Stay tuned for more information about the safety of Soroptimist's Japanese clubs and members.

Send contributions to assist with the disaster to: Soroptimist International of the Americas, 1709 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103. Checks should be earmarked "Japan Disaster Relief."

Saturday, March 5, 2011

International Women's Day Centennial

The first International Women's Day events were run in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland in 1911 and attended by over one million people. 100 years on, International Women's Day (IWD) has become a global mainstream phenomena celebrated across many countries and is an official holiday in approximately 25 countries including Afghanistan, Russia, Ukraine, Vietnam and Zambia.

8 March sees extensive global women's activity. Performer and social activist, Annie Lennox, will lead a mass march across London's Millennium Bridge for charity. In Washington D.C. over a thousand people will descend on Capitol Hill demanding a better world for millions of marginalized women and girls around the globe. A major international businesswomen's conference will be hosted in Sydney, Australia. Schools and governments around the world are participating in the day. Trade Unions and charities are campaigning. Global corporations are hosting conferences and distributing extensive resource packs. The United Nations Secretary-General delivers a formal message. The United States even designates the whole month of March as Women's History Month as officially proclaimed by President Obama on February 28, 2011.

International Women's Day is a global celebration of the economic, political, and social achievements of women past, present, and future. However, activity has not always been on the increase. Australian entrepreneur and women's campaigner Glenda Stone, who founded the website, a global hub of events and information, said:

"A decade ago International Women's Day was disappearing. Activity in Europe, where International Women's Day actually began, was very low. Providing a global online platform helped sustain and accelerate momentum for this important day. Holding only a handful of events ten years ago, the United Kingdom has now become the global leader for International Women's Day activity, followed sharply by Canada, United States and Australia. 2011 will see thousands of events globally for the first time."

More recently, social networking websites like Twitter, Facebook and Youtube have also helped fuel International Women's Day activity. Generally the day has moved away from its socialist Suffragette beginnings to become more mainstream in celebrating women's achievements. Women's rights campaigners, however, continue to remind that vigilance rather than complacency is essential in striving for women's equality.

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Over $17,000 will be awarded to local women and young women on Tuesday, March 8th as three Soroptimist clubs hold their annual awards reception at 7 p.m. at the First Christian Church of Kennewick at 19th and Olympia.

Soroptimist International of Mid Columbia (SIMC), Soroptimist International of Pasco-Kennewick (SIPK) and Soroptimist International of Three Rivers (SI3R) will be presenting awards to 16 women and young women. The scholarships and awards support the mission of all Soroptimist clubs around the world, which is “the best for women and girls”.

The awards ceremony is held to coincide with International Women’s Day, a time to reflect on the progress made by women and to appreciate acts of courage and determination in pursuit of women’s rights and also to celebrate the Soroptimist International of the Americas (SIA) Live Your Dream Campaign.

The awards given are: Violet Richardson, awarded to young women between the ages of 14 and 17 committed to making the world a better place through their volunteering; Women’s Opportunity Award (WOA), the major project of SIA. (Each year, more than $1 million dollars is disbursed through cash awards for the WOA at various levels of the SIA organization. Eligible applicants must be women who are the primary financial support for their families and who are enrolled in or have been accepted to a vocational/skills training program or an undergraduate degree program); the Fellowship Award, given to a woman in a post-graduate program; and the Ruby Award, a service award honoring a woman who works to improve the lives of women and girls. The Professional/Technical Award and the Helen Cox Award, in memory of a long-standing former member of SIPK, are two additional awards presented by SIPK.

Sunday, January 2, 2011


...and we're off! It's fabulous to ring in the new year with sunshine on my shoulders and committed and dedicated friends at hand to complete the service and fundraising efforts we have set as Soroptimists!

Fans' Night Out is in full swing. Event and "travel and rec" tickets are for sale. Buy one, buy many. Just buy em!! Call Carol K., 783.1634. Bill McCurley Chevrolet has partnered as our primary sponsor. KEPR is providing media sponsorship and Jennifer Ann Wilson, KEPR weather anchor will MC on Monday, April 4, 2011 at TRAC in Pasco.

You will be what makes the difference between now and April 4. Talk to friends and neighbors, sell and buy tickets. As always, fabulous food will be served, game boards will be available for the fun of it and raffle prizes galore. McCurley will staff basketball hoops for those who want to practice shootin hoops and they'll have vehicles on display, too. Our stage will be an eye catcher when McCurley parks two shiny pickups back to back from which Jennifer Ann will MC.

Wait!! There's more!! Broadmoor RV donated a weekend use of an RV (hitch included) and such will be on display at TRAC, to help build the excitement for the opportunity to win this fun and extraordinary prize!

Get ready for March Madness...

Before all that excitement commences, plan to attend and help with Bunco on Thursday, February 24, 2011. Tickets will be on sale soon!! We'd like to see 100 wild and wooly women, wailin and whoopin it up to raise money for SIPK service projects.

On March 8, we'll honor and celebrate women and girls at an Awards and Scholarships Ceremony/Reception at the First Christian Church, 1921 S Olympia, Kennewick. Save the date and be at the church to provide support and warmth to those receiving scholarships and awards!!

You are who and what makes the difference in improving the lives of women and girls. When you check off the boxes on your SIPK Volunteer Rewards Card, it adds up expoentially.

Hope to see you soon!!