
Monday, September 5, 2011


Please note that September is the month to present Annual Plans. Reports from committee chairs (or appointees) will hold their comments to no more than 5 minutes.

During September's business meeting on Tuesday, September 13 we'll hear from Carol Hansen, NWR Secretary and SIPK Delegate to the SI Convention (Montreal). Carol was appointed club delegate to the convention and will captivate you with her report and stories!!

District 3 Meeting is so close (Oct. 7-9) and room reservation deadline is Sept. 7. At this point it looks like SIPK will be well represented by 9, 1 FIRST TIMER (Jean SS!!). What will our look be for the Roaring 20s Fun? Can we possibly beat our look as Scooter and the Red Hot Mamas?

Info and questions. Jo, 539.7144